Monday, October 20, 2014

Jira Search Hint

Custom search query in Jira.

 text~"converted" Developer = currentUser() project = ProjectA assignee = currentUser() resolutiondate >=-3w ORDER BY updated DESC ## Finding current unresolved and assigned assignee = currentUser() AND resolution = Unresolved ORDER BY updatedDate DESC ## Finding resolved issue of the current user as developer Developer = currentUser() AND project = ProjectA AND resolutiondate >=-6w ORDER BY updated DESC ## With text search Developer = currentUser() AND project = ProjectA AND resolutiondate >=-6w AND text~"converted" ORDER BY updated DESC

Note : Edit based on your need

Merging two sorted arrays - Big O (n+m) time complexity

 Problem :  Merge the two sorted arrays. Edge case :  Array can empty Arrays can be in different size let getMaxLength = ( input1 , input...