Tuesday, May 24, 2016

Dict - Elm Datastructure

Elm Dict Package /elm-lang/core/1.0.0/Dict

The Dict api is useful when situation comes to store key , pair value.It is Similar to Map / Dictionary in some other language.
Here you can find some basic function to play with Dict Api.
Use elm rector to execute this samples.


Kind of put operation to store key , value pair in Dict
import Html exposing (Html,text)
import Dict exposing (Dict)

main = text (toString (insertIntoDict "Apple" 1 Dict.empty))

insertIntoDict: String -> Int -> Dict String Int -> Dict String Int
insertIntoDict key input myMap = 
    newMap =  Dict.insert key input myMap      
> import Dict
> Dict.insert "A" 1 Dict.empty
Dict.fromList [("A",1)] : Dict.Dict String number
Dict.insert function expection three parameter
  1. Key
  2. Value
  3. Dict (This dict can be empty dict for the first time)


Update need a handler to check before performing the update action, That check function is Higher order function that too accpet Maybe type parameter.
import Html exposing (Html,text)
import Dict exposing (Dict)

main = text (toString  view)

view = 
    appleDict = insertIntoDict "Apple" 1 Dict.empty
    insertIntoDict "Apple" 2 appleDict

process : Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
process x y = case y of 
    Just val -> Just x
    Nothing -> Just 1

insertIntoDict: String -> Int -> Dict String Int ->  Dict String Int
insertIntoDict key input myMap= 
    newMap = case (Dict.get key myMap) of
      Nothing -> Dict.insert key input myMap
      Just val -> Dict.update key (process input) myMap
Dict.update key (process input) myMap
Dict Update function expect second parameter to be a higer order function and That should have signature of
Maybe a -> Maybe a
Int this process function we are updating the newValue = 2 to the "Apple" key which already exist in Dict with oldValue = 1.
This process function acctualy expecting first paramter as Int which is new value that to be updated on Dict. This Int value curried out and applied as new value (clousure) to the higher order function. Find the process Signature
  process : Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int


Get function to read the value based on the key from Dict
 import Html exposing (Html,text)
import Dict exposing (Dict)

main = text (toString view)

view = 
    appleDict = insertIntoDict "Apple" 1 Dict.empty
    appleDict2 = insertIntoDict "Apple" 2 appleDict
    readFromDict "Apple" appleDict2

process : Int -> Maybe Int -> Maybe Int
process x y = case y of 
    Just val -> Just x
    Nothing -> Just 0

insertIntoDict: String -> Int -> Dict String Int ->  Dict String Int
insertIntoDict key input myMap= 
    newMap = case (Dict.get key myMap) of
      Nothing -> Dict.insert key input myMap
      Just val -> Dict.update key (process input) myMap

readFromDict : String -> Dict String Int -> Int
readFromDict key map =   
  case (Dict.get key map) of
    Nothing -> 0
    Just v -> v
Dict.get function return the Maybe. Which need to be further processed to extract the value. This sample use the pattern matching (case) to process the Int value.
case (Dict.get key map) of
    Nothing -> 0
    Just v -> v

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Elm math formula using functions , pipe and currrying

Simple math formula in elm using pipe and currying
import Html exposing (..)

main = view

view = div [][
  div[] [text "(a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2"] 
  ,div[][text "LHS = RHS"]
  ,div[][text (calcuate 2 2)]

-- (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2

calcuate x y = (left x y) ++ "=" ++ (right x y)

left x y = x |> add y |> sqrt |> toString 

right x y = (sqrt x |> add (2 |> multiply  (x |> multiply y))) |> add (sqrt y) |> toString 
--right x y =  toString (add (add (sqrt x) (multiply 2 (multiply x y))) (sqrt y))

multiply : Int -> Int -> Int 
multiply x y = x * y

add : Int -> Int -> Int
add x y = x + y

sqrt : Int -> Int 
sqrt x = x ^ 2


Pipe is helpfull to reduce parentheses usage. They are aliases for function application
x |> multiplyWith10 |> divideBy10 
It is usefull when performing sequance of function call, first function result will be passed to second function and it continues to the until last function call reaches. (a + b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2 This simple formula can be represented using functions in elm with the same way we do in other language ,but the only difference is the formula representation will not be as the same order as in mathamatical world.
           +  ( +  ( a2)   ( *       2 ( *       a b))) (b2)     
toString (add (add (sqrt x) (multiply 2 (multiply x y))) (sqrt y))
If we read this call, then toString of add of add of sqrt x and multiply with 2 of .....
If you are using pipe , it will be like
-- a2       +   2       *        a      *       b       +    b2
(sqrt x |> add (2 |> multiply  (x |> multiply y))) |> add (sqrt y) |> toString 

Currried out

x |> add y 
add function expect two parameter, that x and y
Using pipe we are currying add with y and passing x as the another parameter.

Friday, May 13, 2016

Elm basic snippet



If and else are something different here without curly brackets {}
if "10" == "10" then "Its ten" else "Not ten"
If Not equal has different symbol here,
if "10" /= "11" then "Its ten" else "Not ten"

String Util

 - toInt
If you want to parse String to Int , this is the right util. The below method will return True if the String is parsable to Int or else otherwise Generaly String.toInt will return Result String Int , Which holds the Value / Error. The below method (validateStringToInt) would be the sample to extract the result value
String.toInt "10"`
Ok 10 : Result.Result String Int
validateStringToInt x =   
  case (String.toInt x) of
    Ok value -> True
    Err msg -> False

String Contact

Use ++ instead of regular + operator to concat. Every thing value here (Immutable) when doing contact it will give your new value
a = "one " ++ "two"
"one two" : String
a ++ "end"
"one twoend" : String


- Tuple
Tuples are simple structure which hold the data in a order to server.
Access Tuple
fist element of the typle
fst (10,11)
second element of the tuple
snd (10,11)

Lambda expression

Forward slash for the parameter and -> function body
(\x -> x * 2)
Below code is for maping list to double list
double list = List.map (\x -> x * 2) list
<function> : List number -> List number
double [2,3,4]
[4,6,8] : List number
In Short lambda can be written like for single element , that automaticaly taken as default parameter
double list = List.map ((*) 2) list

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Elm-lang installation from Source

Recently I started to learn Elm-lang to get comfort in the functional world.
This post could be useful for people who try to install Elm-lang.
http://elm-lang.org/ site providing guide to use npm-installer , but this guide is some what different which try to install from the git source. Yes, It will download the raw source code and build the platform for you. It requires Haskel and cabal to make the Elm platfrom from the source.
sudo apt-get install ghc-7.10.1
sudo apt-get install cabal-install-1.22
cabal --version
ghc --version
which cabal
curl https://raw.githubusercontent.com/elm-lang/elm-platform/master/installers/BuildFromSource.hs > BuildFromSource.hs
runhaskell BuildFromSource.hs 0.17
export PATH=/home/ranjithrajd/rspace/software/elm/Elm-Platform/0.15.1/.cabal-sandbox/bin:$PATH
cd /home/ranjithrajd/rspace/tutorial/elm/project
Compile your elm code elm-make
Start the server elm-reactor
Install elm html module to the project elm package install evancz/elm-html

Merging two sorted arrays - Big O (n+m) time complexity

 Problem :  Merge the two sorted arrays. Edge case :  Array can empty Arrays can be in different size let getMaxLength = ( input1 , input...